- 发布时间:2020/11/9来源:深圳市捷利森科技有限公司
简单就是因为没涨工资,所以工会带头闹情绪,搞个罢工。这在欧洲很常见,但ST供应紧张,代理贸易商又有了涨价的理由。 自9月份以来,市场频频传出缺货潮。从最开始的海思芯片,到上个月的AVX钽电容,到8寸晶圆交期延长半年,到国内多家MOSFET厂家发布涨价通知,再到最近AKM工厂失火停产导致抢货潮来袭。如今,这波缺货潮早已经蔓延到ST意法半导体。
以下为报道原文: The three main unions at ST (CAD, CFDT and CGT) have called a strike at all ST sites from today.
In Crolles, some employees went on strike last night. On the morning shift there were 60 strikers and on the mid-day shift about 150. CAD expects to see 200 on strike for the night-shift.
“On Wednesday October 28, 2020, ST management showed incredible contempt for ST employees and their work by not recognising the efforts made by employees by deciding not to increase them this year, with some exceptions,” says CAD, ‘management does not recognise at all the efforts requested and made by its employees during confinement.”
CAD goes on to say that ST management treats its workers as mougeons (a hybrid of sheep and pigeons) by getting them to pay for the costs of COVID.
“Management justifies this non-increase, among other things, by the €16.9 million additional costs due to anti-COVID measures, including $6.4 million euros for COVID premiums and compensation in the factory,” says CAD, “it thus confirms the fears of the CAD to know that these bonuses distributed during confinement would be recovered from the wages of all employees, and in particular from the wages of other employees who do not work in the factory or who could no longer work there.”
“It is absolutely indecent that the management of ST also directly and openly funds the measures against COVID by the employees themselves,” concludes CAD.
Meanwhile the CGT union points out that the 100 senior executives of ST in France receive on average € 200,000 per year with € 50,000 free shares. 欧洲最大芯片厂意法半导体于2016年1月宣布结束机上盒芯片事业,并裁汰旗下1400名员工。大概是3月时候,媒体爆料,因为是赔偿不公平?双重标准?还是间接裁员无法得到赔偿?引发部分员工抗议事件。